Wishing you all the best for a speedy recovery, Jeff. Don't feed those rat bastard cancer cells anything that encourages them. Keto can help. I have some materials I could send you that helped me through stage 3 CRC if you are interested.

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All the best, Jeff.

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Check into Profound Medical symbol PROF if you haven’t already. They have a relatively noninvasive way 6o shrink or eliminate the prostrate. May help you with yours. Best of luck.

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Congrats on the new book, hoping for a full recovery for you.

You are right - the pricing via O'Reilly is a little stunning. I've wondered about how pricing for books works with Amazon offering (forcing) discounts on everything? I started ordering new books from a local independent bookstore years ago, in a hopefully non-vain attempt to get more $$ into authors' pockets.

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I'm happy to hear the good news; sorry about the bad. Take care of yourself; I look to forward to getting the 3d edition whenever it comes and will be curious about the novel,

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