Why subscribe?

I started this newsletter when I began writing the third edition of Inside Cyber Warfare in mid-2022. Today, June 25, 2024, I’ve completed the book and it’s scheduled to be out this October. But the war in Ukraine continues, and the field of cyber warfare is becoming more complex with the additional element of AI, so I’ll continue posting my research here.

By becoming a subscriber, you’ll have access to all of the raw data that I’ve been receiving from the war zone in Ukraine, as well as the content that didn’t make it into the book because it wouldn’t fit into that format.

This includes files from Russia’s Black Sea Fleet, ROSATOM, the Federal Air Transport Agency, the Vostochny Cosmodrome, Belayarsk Nuclear Power Plant, and many more high value targets. In some cases you’ll learn how the files were accessed, and the software that was used to facilitate the breaches.

No Ads

Unlike my free blog, Digital Dao, you’ll never see any ads because the content is monetized by subscription instead of by ad views.

Ask Me Anything

From time to time, I’ll be holding live AMAs available only to subscribers where you can ask questions about my research or any related topic.

Good Research Takes Time

Your subscription helps pay for my research, which consumes the equivalent number of hours of a full-time job. O’Reilly Media doesn’t pay out large advances to its authors, so I’m relying on subscription income to help keep the lights on.

Subscribe to Inside Cyber Warfare

Research, Resources, and Data Dumps for the 3rd edition of Inside Cyber Warfare, coming in early 2024.


Cybersecurity author, researcher, and entrepreneur, and the only researcher with direct access to the Offensive Cyber unit of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine (GURMO). Learn more about me at jeffreycaruso.com.